Thursday, April 25, 2024

Blog #10: The Different Mediums in Art

    Ever since I've began drawing more and more at the age of nine, I have explored different art mediums! It's such a fun journey to discover different types of tools and techniques to use to create new art pieces. Whether it's different paints, alcohol markers, color pencils, different brushes in my art programs, sewing and more. Every time I walk into Micheal's or Hobby Lobby, 90% of the time I walk out with some new art project to start. I wanted to dive in more to my personal favorite art mediums I use frequently, including; digital art and alcohol markers.

    I began creating art on lined notebooks in 4th grade, drawing Monster High characters or my Little Pet Shop toys. I've moved on to be more active in drawing digital artwork since middle school. What is digital art? The definition by states digital art is, "artistic activity or work that incorporates digital technology into the creation or production process, or as computerized art that employs and interacts with digital media." It's like the concept of traditional art including painting, color pencils, etc. However, digital art includes digital medium brushes, 3D modeling, animations, and more. Digital art is NOT AI art! (check out my other blog that explains why). The art program I used for years is IbisPaint X. One of the reasons I've used it for so long is it's free (always a bonus) and easy to use. I began drawing with my finger on my phone, but now use an Ipad and stylus! To me, carrying my iPad around makes it easy to access my art and finish pieces unlike traditional mediums. All my traditional supplies are at my house so I don't always have access to them.

                                                     Some of my recent digital artworks

    My other most used medium is using my alcohol makers (when I am home!). Alcohol markers are basically fancy, high-quality art markers artists use. I haven't been doing traditional art recently since it takes me longer than digital. But I know my over 100 markers are excited for me to use once the semester ends! It's enjoyable for me to see the strokes in my traditional art pieces and how different the process is for me. I take my time using my markers because unlike digital art, if I mess up...I can't go back!

                                                    Recent traditional commission I completed!

    Overall, I love art, I love trying new art mediums to improve my work and continue to grow as an artist. I can't wait to see how my artwork will grow throughout the years and hey! Maybe my preferences will change in the future!

Blog #9: I Have a Love-Hate Relationship...with Social Media

     Social media can be a great source to keep up with what our friends and family are up too. Even celebrities, locations, or a cute cat that has an account dedicated to the furry friend. It can be fun! Commenting under a family member's post and interacting with them even though they may can be living states away. For example, my mom is an active Facebook user (probably like most parents) and posts every time she's with friends, out on a hike, or even just swimming in the pool. Under her post she gets comments from her old co-workers and her siblings who live in Georgia and Florida. Social media is the best visual way we can stay in contact with people! However, as much as I love seeing pictures of my family having fun and a random cat dancing, I also don't like social media.

    For me, I'm kinda awkward taking pictures of things happening in my life. I don't see the point of posting a random selfie or if I am going on a walk. If I ever remember, I take pictures of places I go to and post that. I use social media for my art business which has been growing recently! It's one of the reasons I personally love social media because I can share my artwork and earn money through commissions. It's sorta like a job! I'm able to find other artists and friends with people I would never had to chance too without social media. 

    Therefore, I enjoy social media because I'm able to keep connection with my friends and family, as well as, grow my art business.

                                                                        Stock Image

    Now, if social media helps my art business grow, why would I hate it too? I hate it because it affect reality. I hate how easily distracting social media can be. I feel like people are less social to each other in reality and that can affect relationships forming. I feel like I can't talk to my peers when they have their phones out making me also just be on my phone. It kinda sucks. Sucks even more when I'm trying to talk to my friends or family, but they're on their phones. When I used to work in a restaurant, I saw familys come in with their young children holding Ipads or already staring at the screens walking in the doors. It rubbed me off the wrong way, isn't this the time to bond with your kids? Not only that but too much screen time for children can cause serious issues in development. According to Aifs.Gov.Au, children younger than five-years-old have negative affects on weight, motor and cognitive development, and their social wellbeing. 

    Social media will continue to grow as new users join daily. It's a great way to stay connected, explore your interest or something new. However, it can also affect "in real life" relationships and developments in children.

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Blog #8: Spiders Really aren't as Scary as You Think

     Spiders! Boo! Did I scare you? Well, according to, 3% to 15% of the US population has bad arachnophobia. I mean, a small creature with eight legs and eight eyes is pretty freaky! It's showcase in multiple media that spiders can and will harm you! For example, the movies like "Eight-Legged Freaks" or "Jumanji" (1995) show unrealistically large spiders that try to kill or attack the protagonists in the films. The spiders in "Eight-Legged Freaks" were much more successful in killing the humans...but can spiders actual kill you!? Short answer is no. Most spider species produce venom through their fangs after biting down, but it's less harmful to humans. One of the most venomous spiders in the world is the black widow, it's common that most people are afraid of widows because it's be spread around they kill! In reality, News.Fullerton.Edu writes, out of the " 1,015 cases of black widow spider bites recorded in 2018, there were no deaths." Most spiders' fangs are too small and short to pierce through human skin or their venom isn't strong enough to harm people. If you were to get bit by an unknown spider, it's still best to seek medical attention as some bites can cause sickness.

    Tarantula bites feel like a bee sting when bitten, but it's rare to get bitten by any spider. Furthermore, I own two tarantulas myself which I've had for almost a year now, neither have bitten me! Instead, it's common for spiders to curl their legs up, protecting themselves if they feel threatened. Trust me, spiders are much more scared of humans! One of my tarantulas, Duke the Texas brown tarantula, gets frighten when I simply open the lid of his tank to give him more water. 

                                                          Picture of Duke, Texas Brown tarantula

     Spiders actually help people in more ways than we can think! Some of spiders' venom is used in certain medicines, spiders influence different cultures, kill off pests, eat other spiders, and more. The best thing about spiders is they kill even grosser bugs like cockroaches. To continue, a sign of a spider living in your home is a sign you have bugs! It's important to realize how special spiders are to us and our planet! They keep species in check with their populations and have cultural influence (without spiders we wouldn't have Spiderman!). To conclude, spiders aren't a threat to humans, when you see a spider, there's no need to kill it. Admire the critter and put it back outside (if it's in your home) or leave it alone if you see it outside.

                                                          Picture of baby Inti, Pink-Toe Tarantula 

(Sidenote: If you have any questions about spiders lmk in the comments! I've been researching about them for a few years now! - Dakota :D )

Blog #7: Bring on the #s !

     The hashtag, also known as the pound button, is a popular symbol, #, recognized across different social media platforms. Hashtags are a great way to let people know about your posts! Want to talk to other people about how cool narwhals are? Easy! Just put #narwhals and let the discussion begin! Hashtags are able to spread quickly as it's a built-in code for social media algorithms. To continue, if you were to hit the like button on one or two narwhal pictures with the caption, #narwhals, the algorithm will feed you more! The usage of hashtags is perfect to find other people with similar interests, starting trends, and spread a message.

    Without hashtags I wouldn't be able to expand and grow my art business. Furthermore, I also wouldn't be able to find other artists like me! As states in their article, "Using relevant hashtags helps give context to your content and drives traffic so that you can boost views, likes, and shares. The key is finding the right hashtags that match your content and appeal to users."  I'm able to use different popular hashtags for my artwork which include simple terms like; #art, #drawing, #digitalart, #ibispaintx, and lots more! The hashtags I use correspond with what image I drew; for example, the picture I drew below is a unicorn-Pokémon based character I drew for a commissioner. I made sure to add tags that can relate to the image. 

                         Screenshot from my art account on Instagram showcasing my usage of hashtags.

    Hashtags are best used for current trends, whether it's fashion, political, or a movement. Personally, I enjoy art trends and it's a great way to gain followers with an active hashtag! It's fun to explore hashtags as people can find different accounts to follow and engage with. It can be a bit of a rabbit hole to dive down into as well! Overall, there are lots of positives to using hashtags as I personally use them for my art business. Try using hashtags! Can find new things, or things to add onto your current interests and make some new friends!

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Blog #6: Can a Shark and Stingray Reproduce!?

    In North Carolina, there's been a recent controversy about a pregnant stingray at the Aquarium and Shark Lab by Team ECCO. One pregnant stingray with two white-spotted bamboo male it possible!? Smithsonian Magazine wrote that staff said Charlotte the stingray had bite marks on her, which could be a sign of shark mating. Would a shark-ray be a cute hybrid or creepy?? Well, Charlotte the stingray can prove the impossible...or perhaps not.

(not a image of Charlotte) Image Source

When news of a stingray getting pregnant without any male rays in her tank, people began asking questions! At the beginning, staff discovered growths swelling on Charlotte's body, assuming it could be cancer until the ultrasound was conducted. Is it possible that a shark and stingray can reproduce? As interesting as it may sound, it's not scientifically possible! In fact, it's common along stingrays to asexually reproduce like 80 other vertebrate species; including, zebra sharks, California condors, Komodo dragons, crocodiles, and more. It's a known process called parthenogenesis, meaning virgin birth or creation. According to, parthenogenesis is common during meiosis (cells that create new organisms during sexual reproduction), "eggs are produced, byproducts are created called polar bodies, which contain genetic information." Parthenogenesis is most common when animals are in human care rather than the wild. It's not 100% confirmed why some species do this but scientists have theorized it could be a lack of mate or the last option to save a species.

How come a shark and stingray can't reproduce? It's actually simple! Kevin Feldheim, researcher at Chicago's Field Museum states, "The divergence between sharks and stingrays is 350 million years. And as comparison, the divergence between humans and platypus is 180 millions years." However, there are some species that can create "hybrids" because of their similar genes. provides examples of real-life animal hybrids; including, coywolf, liger, wolfdog, Bengal cat, mule, zonkey, and more! Crossbreeds/hybrid animals are offspring of subspecies mating. 

                                                                    picture of a liger! Image Source
    Even though the thought of a shark-stingray hybrid could be cool, it's not possible. Nonetheless, hybrid animals between species with similar genetics do exist! It's important to learn about biology and do research on a species before spreading a false rumor. Pure reason I wanted to write this blog as when I heard about Charlotte, I was cringing at the fact people truly believed a shark and stingray could reproduce with each other. 
    Let's hope Charlotte has a safe and healthy pregnancy!!

Blog #5: Better Income Success for Arizonan College Grads

     Who doesn't love the idea of more money!? Especially when you've worked hard to earn it! After reading both articles, it gives me hope as a current college student that I'll be prepared for my future. Education is an important part of growth as it affects how we learn and our choices. I'm supportive of Governor Ducey's Achieve60AZ plan to encourage Arizonan youth to go beyond a high school diploma.

    I remember marching with my mom during the Red for Ed protest around the late 2010s. I was just a kid, but I remembered how much it meant to her. My mom is a middle school science teacher (I don't know how she does it) and has been one for over 20 years. I personally see how much effort and how she uses her own money to educate her students. She was even my teacher for 2 years! She works hard with making sure each of her students understand the subject: troubled kids, class clowns, quiet kids, kids with mental disabilities, and more. I love teachers and understand their efforts regardless of what they're teaching. Educators deserve a raise, and it should be a high paying job as they affect younger generations. Furthermore, when I read Ducey added $142 million budget to k-12 education and provided an additional $38 million to universities, it's all good news!

                                                         Getty Images, Ralph Freso

    2030 continues to inch closer and I wonder if there has been a raise in college graduates. However, what both articles failed to provide is student loans and debt being a tribute to why some people don't go to college. According to, as of 2021, "total amount of outstanding student loan debt in the United States was $1.6 trillion as of Q4'23." That's a lot of money and can easily turn someone away from wanting to attend college. I consider myself lucky as I have free tuition attending GCC, but I see how it's hard for my partner to keep up with his monthly payments or how my friends just ignore the debt.

    There have been times I question if I'm choosing the right path for my future. I ponder if these classes are worth it as I struggle with an assignment or don't understand a lecture. Dropping out seems like a easy way out! However, that doesn't look good on a resume...and how would I ever become a wildlife biologist with no experience!? I tell myself that my efforts will pay off because I want a job that'll provide me a good income and I'll be happy. As stated, the median income for those with a college degree is $65,791 compared to only a high school diploma education, $38,423.

    Overall, both articles are positive with the future of Arizona's plan of Achieve60AZ. The promises of higher wages, more taxes, less poverty, and more jobs are promising! Nonetheless, plans are plans as I hope the goal is met for future generations and provide a healthier economy. 

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Entry #4: The Threat of AI Art

     There has been an recent uproar in the art community about the usage of AI art. Before discussing this issue, it's important to understand what AI art is. According to, "AI art typically refers to images made using generative AI tools. These create images of all sorts, of almost any style, on almost any subject, based on a text prompt." AI standing for Artificial Intelligence, based off this simple definition what could the issue be..? AI art seems like a tool for artists to use for inspiration and referencing or those who can't draw to have the chance to "make" art. Welllll not exactly! In fact, many artists (including myself) are against AI artwork! 

    Children's book illustrator, Rob Biddulph tells The Guardian, "Fundamentally, I have always felt that art is all about translating something that you feel internally into something that exists externally. Whatever form it takes, be it a sculpture, a piece of music, a piece of writing, a performance, or an image, true art is about the creative process much more than it’s about the final piece. And simply pressing a button to generate an image is not a creative process.” I respect and agree with Biddulph's interpretation of art as humans have created art for tens and thousands of years with different purposes and creative usages.     

    One of the most famous art pieces created is Van Gogh's, Starry Night, an oil painting that creates movement with its brush strokes. Not only is the painting aesthetically pleasing to look at and admire, so is its history. Additionally, Van Gogh painted the Starry Night while he was staying at the Saint-Paul-de-Mausole asylum; furthermore, Britannica states that he "observed the night sky from his barred bedroom window and wrote a letter to Theo (his brother) describing a magnificent view of the morning star very early one morning in the summer of 1889." 

                                                                            Image Source

Van Gogh's history lives in his artwork and is what makes each of his paintings worth value. One can admire and see the different brush strokes he took. I decided to go to an AI generator, Deep AI, to see if the bot can capture a moment like Van Gogh once did, I used the prompt; Van Gogh Starry Night:

I think the AI did a decent job trying to generate an image to look just like the original Starry Night... but it's missing the history and beauty of the original piece. Personally, the images I generated begin to become an eyesore and messy trying to figure out what's happening. For example, the buildings begin to morph and become fuzzy. My purpose for using Van Gogh is to show human artwork has passion as AI is lacking and is only programmed to copy. 

    Artists are worried about being replaced with these AI programs as many artists rely on commissions for income. Some AI art is difficult to spot! People usually only look at a post online for a few seconds, like or comment, then move on. Another issue is the legality of AI art generators becomes blurry. How do AI art generators produce art? Well, it needs a sample of existing artwork posted on the internet, which includes copyrighted images. For example, states Getty Images is suing Stability AI, accusing the company of stealing their copyrighted images. The advancement of AI is truthfully scary, but I refuse to think that human creation can be replaced by a copycat bot. Spreading awareness of how dangerous AI art is to artists is important! Afterall, picking up a pencil and learning to draw takes practice and patience, the process is what makes art fun! I've been drawing for roughly ten years now and exploring my style makes the hobby enjoyable. (Remember if PewDiePie can do can you!!!)

Blog #10: The Different Mediums in Art

     Ever since I've began drawing more and more at the age of nine, I have explored different art mediums! It's such a fun journey ...