Thursday, April 25, 2024

Blog #9: I Have a Love-Hate Relationship...with Social Media

     Social media can be a great source to keep up with what our friends and family are up too. Even celebrities, locations, or a cute cat that has an account dedicated to the furry friend. It can be fun! Commenting under a family member's post and interacting with them even though they may can be living states away. For example, my mom is an active Facebook user (probably like most parents) and posts every time she's with friends, out on a hike, or even just swimming in the pool. Under her post she gets comments from her old co-workers and her siblings who live in Georgia and Florida. Social media is the best visual way we can stay in contact with people! However, as much as I love seeing pictures of my family having fun and a random cat dancing, I also don't like social media.

    For me, I'm kinda awkward taking pictures of things happening in my life. I don't see the point of posting a random selfie or if I am going on a walk. If I ever remember, I take pictures of places I go to and post that. I use social media for my art business which has been growing recently! It's one of the reasons I personally love social media because I can share my artwork and earn money through commissions. It's sorta like a job! I'm able to find other artists and friends with people I would never had to chance too without social media. 

    Therefore, I enjoy social media because I'm able to keep connection with my friends and family, as well as, grow my art business.

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    Now, if social media helps my art business grow, why would I hate it too? I hate it because it affect reality. I hate how easily distracting social media can be. I feel like people are less social to each other in reality and that can affect relationships forming. I feel like I can't talk to my peers when they have their phones out making me also just be on my phone. It kinda sucks. Sucks even more when I'm trying to talk to my friends or family, but they're on their phones. When I used to work in a restaurant, I saw familys come in with their young children holding Ipads or already staring at the screens walking in the doors. It rubbed me off the wrong way, isn't this the time to bond with your kids? Not only that but too much screen time for children can cause serious issues in development. According to Aifs.Gov.Au, children younger than five-years-old have negative affects on weight, motor and cognitive development, and their social wellbeing. 

    Social media will continue to grow as new users join daily. It's a great way to stay connected, explore your interest or something new. However, it can also affect "in real life" relationships and developments in children.


  1. Hello Dakota, I can definitely agree social media can have its pros and cons. I also agree how social media has taken over people life's more than ever. However, I also believe there’s a certain age where there should be limits, especially those who are younger than five. I agree social media can have its advantages in teaching kids new materials. However parents should be aware and understand the importance of limits.

  2. Hi Dakota, I really enjoyed reading about your opinion on social media! I love to post random pictures of the sky when it looks pretty. If used appropriately I think it has more pro then cons, but it's also really hard to be in control of what kids see online.
    -Abigail Rangel


Blog #10: The Different Mediums in Art

     Ever since I've began drawing more and more at the age of nine, I have explored different art mediums! It's such a fun journey ...