Thursday, February 1, 2024

Entry #1- Drawing Characters

     One of my favorite hobbies I enjoy doing is drawing my original characters or OCs. Referring to, OCs or original characters are characters anyone can make themselves! Inspiration can come from a book, TV show, colors, animals...fantasy animals, and just about anything! There are no restrictions when it comes to making your own personal original character. OCs can be useful to improving art skills, creativity, and creating friends!

                                      artwork (Nov. 2023) created by me! Featuring one of my OCs. 

    Following, one of the most popular OC games is DND or Dungeons and Dragons. According to, DND is a storytelling-based game used by dice as players go on adventures created by a Dungeon Master. Players create their own characters following a guide sheet including race, class, species, and more. DND is one of the best ways to connect with other people and to start new friendships. Personally, talking with experience!

    OCs can be created just for fun! As I stated in my introduction, one of the best ways to improve on art skills is to create OCs. This is what I use my OCs for! Since I was nine-years-old I began making my own characters after being inspired by the show, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. I created my own silly, little pony characters that I fell in love with! I began creating more of my own characters as I gotten older and improved on my art. It's one of my favorite things to do! I love drawing and creating art because of the limitless creativity on creating OCs.

                 artwork (Jan. 2024) created by me! Featuring one of my OCs, also a DND character


  1. Hi Dakota, It’s Emely! I really enjoyed reading your blog! I also enjoy painting and drawing. Although I never really tried to create my own OC this blog just gave me inspiration to try it!

  2. First things first, your art is amazing!! You are a very talented person! The way the colors flow together and how bright they are is just beautiful! I can't wait to see more of your art and what you create!

  3. Your art is very good, I like it a lot. I absolutely love character design and really enjoy all the work that goes into creating a good character/sona. I really like the butterfly markings on the back of Pandora's back!

  4. Hi Dakota, your art is so cool! I have always wanted to learn how to draw but I am not really good at it. I like seeing how other creative people use different mediums to express themselves. I think it is so amazing the amount of thought you've put into these characters.


Blog #10: The Different Mediums in Art

     Ever since I've began drawing more and more at the age of nine, I have explored different art mediums! It's such a fun journey ...